Sveriges stöd till freden i Colombia bör verka brett. Både för att stärka rättighetshavarnas förutsättningar och kapacitet att utöva och försvara sina rättigheter men även för att påverka offentliga och demokratiska institutioner i att skydda, främja och stärka initiativ för offrens rätt till sanning, rättvisa och gottgörelse. Colombiagruppen välkomnar brevet som flera svenska parlamentariker skickade till kongressen i Colombia där de visar stöd till konfliktsoffrens rätt till sanning och gottgörelse samt utmanar colombianska politiker att genomföra avtalet i enlighet med överenskommelsen.
Sverige har under många år gett stöd till fredsprocessen mellan den colombianska regeringen och FARC. Sverige bör under implementering av fredsavtalet fortsätta men även bidra till observation och verifiering av implementeringen av de överenskommelser som nåddes på Kuba och som är utgångspunkten för byggandet av hållbar fred och försoningsarbete i landet. Avtalet har för kvinnors och konfliktoffrens deltagande under fredsförhandlingarna uppmärksammats internationellt och för att parterna skulle sätta konfliktoffrens intresse och rättigheter i centrum. I synnerhet skulle systemet för övergångsrättvisa tillgodose deras rätt till sanning, rättvisa, och garantier för icke-upprepning.
Stockholm, november 27, 2017
To the attention of:
Mr. Efraín Cepeda
President of the Senate
Mr. Rodrigo Lara
President of the House of Representatives
Mr. Hernán Penagos
Rapporteur for the Statutory Law on the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
Members of the Swedish Parliament call on the Colombian Congress to urgently approve the statutory bill on the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
As members of the Swedish Parliament, we welcome the declaration regarding the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) made by the Constitutional Court on November 15. We hope that the issues so far presented for discussion and approval will soon be approved through the statutory bill on the Special Jurisdiction for Peace in the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic.
We notice with great concern how the lack of a quorum can irreparably affect the implementation of the peace agreements on the issue regarding victims of the armed conflict, which were reached during the peace process with the FARC. The terms of validity for the application of the rapid implementation procedure called Fast Track are nearing completion. It is necessary that, at this historic moment for Colombia, the Congress make the necessary efforts to facilitate the regulation of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace.
We believe that this system of transitional justice lays the foundations for progress in the consolidation of peace in Colombia. The Special Jurisdiction for Peace is one of the most important components of the agreement and, as part of the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition, will guarantee the rights of the victims of the armed conflict, specifically in terms of access to the truth. The Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC is recognized as an agreement in which the victims have a central role.
It is important for the Colombian Congress to exercise its power to facilitate the implementation of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, a fundamental element for the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Colombian state in the area of human rights. The delays in the implementation of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace limit the possibility of passing judgment on those most responsible for crimes against humanity and serious war crimes that occurred during the armed conflict.
From the Swedish Parliament we reiterate Sweden’s support for peace in Colombia. The delays presented throughout the year have however left several points that continue to be relevant for the full implementation of the agreements pending..
We urge the members of the Congress of Colombia to participate in the debates on the regulations that implement the Agreements, in particular the draft laws 008 of 2017 of the Senate and 016 of 2017 of the Chamber on the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. The human rights of the victims of the Colombian conflict must be a priority.
Emma Henriksson. Parliamentarian of The Christian Democrats Party, member of the Social Committee.
Kerstin Lundgren. Parliamentarian of the Centre Party, member and of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Spokesperson Foreign Relations.
Marco Venegas. Parliamentarian of The Green Party, president of the friendship association for Latin-American
Amineh Kakabaveh. Parliamentarian of The Left Party and alternate member of the European Union Committee
Jens Holm. Parliamentarian of The Left Party, member of the European Union Committee and the Committee on Environment and Agriculture
Momodou Malcolm Jallow. Parliamentarian of The Left Party, member of the Fiscal Affairs Committee
Lotta Johnsson Fornarve. Parliamentarian of The Left Party, member of the Defense Committee and alternate member in the Foreign Affairs´ Committee
Yasmine Posio Nilsson. Parliamentarian of The Left Party and member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
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